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Each student shall engage in challenging, innovative, and relevant learning experiences that will improve college and career readiness skills.

Each student will be monitored and connected with appropriate systematic and universal support.

Each student will demonstrate the ability to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, and establish and maintain positive relationships.
North Point Academy (NPA) offers families a unique option:
  • At North Point Academy your unique needs are our top priority.
  • Staff sits down with each family to design a personalized program matching the goals, desires, and schedules of each student.
  • With access to nearly all materials and services available across the high school district, NPA students can earn credits through a unique independent study format.
  • While attending NPA, students can choose to enroll in one or two classes at Bear River or Nevada Union high schools. This enrollment is approved based on the comprehensive school site's class sizes. 
  • NPA students can design their schedules to permit them to:
    • take classes at Sierra College (with school counselor approval)
    • work at a job or internship
  • NPA can also serve students involved in time-intensive competition at the local or national level or ones whose families travel out of the state or country for periods of time.
  • For additional support, Chrome books will be available to students who do not have access to a computer at home. 

The " home study" option:

  • Some families need a “home studies” option for a season or two to accommodate a particular family event or allow time for student growth.
  • Some families recognize the independent option as a valuable way for their student to accelerate and become college and/or career ready ahead of his/her peer group.
We currently have 2 convenient locations to serve our students:
  • Our main campus is located in the I Wing of the Nevada Union High School campus at 11761 Ridge Road, Grass Valley.  This location offers a Student Center/computer lab that is open 8:30am-3:00pm, M-F.  All administration, including counseling, is located at this campus as well.
  • Our South County campus is located in room C130 of the Bear River High School campus at 11130 Magnolia Road, Grass Valley.  This location is open for a limited schedule and offers a smaller computer lab for test taking and a Student Center that is available for drop-ins 1 hour each week. Students who meet at this location will of course also have access to our main campus amenities.

Whatever your student needs, we will collaborate with you to build a program that works.


For the 2024-2025 calendar, please click the link below.